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"...for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." Isaiah 56:7


The mission of the Prayer Ministry is for prayer to be at the forefront of every ministry and activity of Grace Baptist Church, as well as to support each person and each endeavor by specific prayers. We pray for the requests received by phone, e-mail, prayer requests cards from Sunday & Wednesday services, and online from this website. In addition, we pray for the needs of our church, church leadership & deacons, our community, our country, and our world. 


A formal church wide Prayer Meeting takes place each Wednesday night @ 5:45 pm in the Sanctuary prior to Worship.  Come join us in a meaningful time of prayer for our church family, community, and the world.


Do you have a prayer concern or need?

Let us know how we may pray for you. It would be our privilege to do so. You can...

  • Call our church office at 615-384-3393.

  • Submit a prayer request on our Prayer Request Cards during one of our services and drop it in the offering plate.

  • Submit a prayer request by 

If you have any questions or updates concerning our prayer ministry contact Mrs. Mary Carty


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