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See videos below featuring Bro. Steve for more info...

 "On November 26, 2023, we gather as a church to dedicate our new piece of property publicly & break ground on our new admin building.. this is going to be an exciting time of worship as we take the next step towards our future!! “

 "On February 13, 2024, got the concrete poured at our up and coming New Admin Office @ Grace Baptist Church. 

Thanks to Bradley, Adam Burchett, David Sisco, Jeff Juhl and Michael Whitaker. The foundation is slicked over and ready to be built on, AFTER IT CURES.."

May the Lord continue to do his work!!

 "On February 16, 2024, Built/Framed in a 2500 sq ft New Admin building in less than 8 hrs. Thanks to all the Volunteers and A&W Drone Service for the pictures from above.

Another Amazing and Inspiring job well done by God's disciples/people."

May the Lord continue to do his work!!

" If the Lord builds the house, Nobody can tear it down

 When it is built in His name, there's nothing gonna shake this ground" song by: Hope Darst


Interview w/Special Guest: Financial Advisor, Aaron Slate

What is the Next 900? In three years (or about 900 days) 1,335 residential housing units will be built within walking distance of our church property. Approximately 3,551 new residents will move not only to Robertson County but within the shadow of our steeple. We have 900 days to prepare for this flood of people! To make preparations for this unbelievable opportunity God is giving us, Grace Baptist will take three initiatives.

First, we have added to and retooled certain staff positions to accommodate this growth. Also, we are diving head-first into Recovery Ministry. We want to help break the chains of addiction and affliction in our community.

In this, we will partner with Long Hollow Church to accomplish this goal.

Second, to house more folks in our weekly worship setting we have exchanged our pews for individual chairs. This subtle move will allow us to seat hundreds of more people in our sanctuary. We want our new neighbors to feel welcome and have a place to sit!

Third, the time has come to expand! Our Journey Into Eternity team has been meeting with an architect to make plans for a new building that will house an auditorium, gymnasium, classrooms, and more. Not only will constructing a building solve our issues of space for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, but this will also allow Grace Baptist Academy to expand up to the 12th grade just as the Lord has called us to do! The best part of these plans is that they can all be done on our current property!

The "Next 900" days are crucial to the long-term future of our church. Also, they are crucial to the eternal future of our community. God wants to work through Grace Baptist Church... Are you ready for the "Next 900"?

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