There are many opportunities for adults to get involved at GBC. There is a list below that will aid anyone interested in getting involved here at GBC.
Sunday School - Sunday School will meet on Sunday morning at 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM.
Our Sunday School offers a Bible-centered, small group learning opportunity every single week.
Grace University - GBC offers spiritual growth opportunities through Grace University.
These discipleship courses are offered year round. Some courses offered are Spiritual Disciplines, Experiencing God, The Purpose Driven Life, Sharing Jesus Without Fear, Financial Peace, Beth Moore studies, etc.
Men's Ministry - Our men's ministry invests in our congregation through various ministry projects such as; home repair or improvements for our elderly and homebound members .
Women's Ministry - The women of the church are very active in the life of our congregation. Our women's ministry offers opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth with events such as; Grace University Classes, conferences, that are designed to meet a woman's spiritual needs, and support through prayer.
Golden Seniors - This very active group gets together for a variety of activities off campus to various locations of interest or a special time of fellowship at GBC with guest speakers and special entertainment.
For more information contact Bro. Bob Carroll at bcarroll@gbcspringfield.org